Bruce Banner, often referred to as "Banner" or "OG Banner," is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain known for its potent and immediate effects. This powerful variety induces an uplifting euphoria that sparks creativity while simultaneously offering body relaxation. Its flavor profile boasts tropical, berry-like sweetness due to the presence of terpenes like Myrcene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene. The after-effects are predominantly creative stimulation coupled with a sense of euphoria and energy boost - making Bruce Banner an ideal choice for those seeking both mental clarity and physical calmness.
Bruce Banner, often referred to as "Banner" or "OG Banner," is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain known for its potent and immediate effects. This powerful variety induces an uplifting euphoria that sparks creativity while simultaneously offering body relaxation. Its flavor profile boasts tropical, berry-like sweetness due to the presence of terpenes like Myrcene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene. The after-effects are predominantly creative stimulation coupled with a sense of euphoria and energy boost - making Bruce Banner an ideal choice for those seeking both mental clarity and physical calmness.